1)think of why this number needs to be deleted
-did he cheat on you?
-did he just randomly stop talking to you like an ahole?
-are you in love with him and keep compulsively texting him?
-you know hes playing you but somehow you guys end up talking?
-you have a man now.and painful as it is,you need to cut him off?
-hes a crazy ex and your friends are suspicious of all the missed calls and texts?
-you just have a random spurt of hatred for him that leads to you having the urge to do this?
all good and logical reasons ladies.
2)make sure you dont have it memorized.if you do take this time to memorize a similar yet wrong number.that way your subconscious wont store the right one.if you dont have it memorized,DONT LOOK AT THE NUMBER!
3)scroll to the contact,once again do not open the contact.you dont want any memorization going on subconciously or otherwise.
4)press delete
5)heres the tricky part.lol.ask yourself the same question your phone does."are you sure you want to delete this contact.whats the answer?YES.thats exactly what you want to do, delete contact with this person!during this step saying "YES!" outloud is suggested for dramatic affect,fun,and a feeling of complete invigoration and freedom
6)of course proceed to press "yes" or "delete"
7)enjoy the freedom and amazing feeling of deleting a N-I-G..you know the rest.s #.
now in some cases he may realize that your a fine dime and text you thus making you save the number and repeating a vicious cycle.but in most cases it works!=)
peace out pimpin! love, Lana "G" of 3GM