What the? Montana Fishburne and Vivid Entertainment announced July 30 that the beautiful 19-year-old daughter of Emmy and Oscar-nominated, Tony-winning Laurence Fishburne would release a self-titled pornographic movie on August 18. In her press release, Montana Fishburne said: "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape by Vivid. I'm hoping the same magic will work for me. I'm impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it."
In reality, Montana Fishburne was arrested in November 2009 on prostitution charges. According to court documents Montana accused of violating California penal code 647 (b), which is a prostitution charge! California prostitution law under Penal Code 647(b) PC prohibits engaging in the act of prostitution, and offering or agreeing to engage in a sexual act (otherwise known as “solicitation”)!
Miss Montana plead guilty to Trespassing and was ordered to do 104 hours towards the California beautification project, 15 days of community service, an AIDS test, STD education, and two years probation!
So this whole thing isn’t about Kim Kardashian or celebrity sex tapes, this is a young woman caught up with the wrong crowd, starving for some attention, and who’s life is spiraling out of control. When will her family intervene and save her???