A group of "9/11 leaders" is calling on for both critics and backers of the proposed Islamic community center and prayer room two blocks from Ground Zero to refrain from holding protests on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
In letters to both the project's backers and the organizer of a rally against it scheduled for Sept. 11, the groups called for any show of support or opposition planned for the anniversary of the attacks to be rescheduled. The coalition said its position did not necessarily imply support for the project.
"We stand together in expressing our opposition to staging a high profile, public protest rally specifically on September 11th, when so many families' and others' priorities will properly be focused on prayer, remembrance, and private reflection throughout the day and evening," the letter said. "To hold rallies on September 11 would be inappropriate and disrespectful to all of us who see 9/11 as a day outside of politics, when we all remain united in honoring the lives and the courage of our many friends and loved ones."
Among the signatories on the letters are groups representing Families of September 11, the mother of Flight 93 hero Mark Bingham, and the co-founders of the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance movement.
Opponents of the project are planning a rally on Sept. 11th, where "World leaders, prominent politicians and 911 family members will be speaking," according to a page pushing the event. Among the speakers, organizers say, are John Bolton and Andrew Breitbart. (Breitbart did not respond to a request for confirmation on his participation.)
The organizers of the protest ask participants not to bring "inflammatory" signs and saw they will start the event off with an interfaith prayer and the playing of "Taps" in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks.
They write: "MARK YOUR CALENDARS. WE need to be at Ground Zero, September 11, 2010, now more than ever."
Backers of the project have not scheduled a competing rally for Sept. 11th.
A CBS News poll last month found that most Americans believe it is not appropriate to build the $100 million cultural center at the planned location, though a majority also said the developers have a right to build the center there.