When the attached photo appeared in Glamour, Glamour received countless comments and letters simply because it showed a woman’s belly fat. When people like Meme Roth, President and Founder National Action Against Obesity say that fat-shaming is the best way to fight obesity and Kate Moss saying that “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels” it's no wonder that women turn against each other in the quest for the perfect body.
HELLO!!!!!!!!! Fat women don’t have to hate skinny women, and fat acceptance doesn’t mean you should hate thinness. Can’t we all just get along? When a group of 100 women of varying sizes were polled about their biggest body bummers, most of them referred to their weight. Heavier girls wished for slim thighs like their thin friends. The skinny girls envied the curves of their voluptuous buds. Bodies come in all sorts of fabulous shapes and sizes.
The one ideal type for a body is healthy! All bodies are beautiful. Two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. Diets, new workouts and pills that promise to make you lose weight are the “norm”. Fighting the tide, organizations like NAAFA (The National Association to Advanced Fat Acceptance) ASDAH (Association for size diversity and Health) and public figures like Tyra Banks have decided to start a new image revolution in our country and this movement is growing fast. Come on Mikey’s let’s join the movement.
If you've ever been picked on because of your size big or small call us this Sunday @3:30PM EST 1-347-637-1690!