Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Battle of The Phones
Which one is really the best? that is up to you the 3GM fans to decide. Three
Girls and a Mic is sponsoring a battle of the phones contest. to enter;
Create a video (min 3 minutes) of why your phone is the best.Email your video to threegirlsandamic@gmail.comAppropriate videos will be uploaded to the 3GM Facebook page. Fans vote by liking your video (comments are good but only likes count as votes) The video with the most likes/votes wins!
Now some of you may be wondering what we mean by appropriate. for 3GM that
means nothing vulgar, as in nudity, profanity, racial slurs etc... And
the winner will receive (drum roll please) !$100 towards the tricked out
cellphone kit of their choice as well as the chance to serve as a
co-host for our Halloween show! The contest starts August 30 and ends
October 29th! So come on Mikeys, show us what you're working with!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Charlotte's Web: NOW I'M ON HOT THEY ALL ON MEH!!!
Until next to time,
Charlie Rose
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Dormtainment Mixtape We're not rappers but we rap!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Skinny vs Fat: WHAT'S THE BEEF?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
When Friends Breakup
The loss of a good friend is just as devastating as the loss of a boyfriend or girlfriend. For some reason we allow ourselves to moan and groan when we lose a boyfriend but when it comes to platonic relationships we pretend they don't really exist. REAL friends are the ones who know who you really are. We let our hair down with them and they see us in all our true jeans-and-t-shirt-no makeup-grumpy mood-glory.Sometimes they know us better than our own family, which makes it all the more painful when true friends breakup. How do you cope when you are breaking up with the very person you turn to when your problems are the worst?
According to Rachel Simmons at Teen Vogue There are three basic rules to breaking up with a BFF without being cruel:
1. Make sure your decision's permanent. You can't change your mind next week, or pretend like nothing happened at random moments. Now that's nasty.
2. Don't talk about it with your friends. Let them know it's over, but don't get into it at length. Your ex will totally hear about it or get weird looks from other girls and feel horrible.
3. Do it the way you'd want it done to you. There are no easy break up speeches, but you'll be classier and more humane if you put yourself in her shoes.
Shut Up & Listen Sunday at 3:30PM EST 1-347-637-1690
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Melody Thorton's Gun Showdown!!!
Read more: Are We Sleeping On Melody Thornton? | Necole
Click hear to hear "Love Gun"
Thursday, September 9, 2010
When Faith Becomes Religous Intolerance
Terry Jones is displaying hatred, intolerance, greed and callous indifference to the lives of Americans fighting overseas.
The Dove World Outreach Center professes Christianity . Front and center their website proclaims “Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.” Then following the actions of Islamic terrorist they go on to state;
Any religion which would profess anything other than this truth is of the devil. This is why we also take a stand against Islam, which teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God, therefore taking away the saving power of Jesus Christ and leading people straight to Hell.That is what we call a SMH moment. But hey, believe what you want, that is what our Constitution guarantees the right to religious freedom as well as Freddom of Speech as long as it does not incite violence and or harm others.
So the question becomes,"Is Terry Jones and his church endangering the lives of Americans serving overseas in Afghanistan."I am siding with the General on this one, this publicity stunt will be used as a rallying cry among Islamic extremists. Americans will die as a result.
How many copies of Terry Jones new book, Islam is of the Devil, do you think he has already sold? See for yourselves, he is hawking it on the website. Maybe Terry Jones cares more about book sales and instant celebrity that he does peace and love...just putting it out there. What else can you say about a man who ignores the Constitution, religious tolerance, the free exchange of ideas and American lives so that he can make a buck and spread his message of hate. Next thing you know he will be caught up in a prostitution or drug scandal(well okay that may be going a bit overboard but the point is he is reckless and a tad bit greedy)
While Pastor Jones and his followers endanger the lives of our loved ones (all of the servicemen overseas fighting so that he has the right to burn the Quran, what are we going to do? More specifically what are you going to do?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Leave Snooki Alone! Judge calls her a "Lohan Wanna Be"
We don't know who should be more insulted: Snooki for being compared to Lindsay Lohan or Lindsay Lohan for becoming the standard by which other celebs are judged by?! (We're going with Snooki!)
This afternoon, The Jersey Shore star stood in front of Judge Damian Murray in Seaside Heights, NJ, who basically tore into her for being a wastey case last July.
The judge wasted no time letting her know exactly what he thought of her drunken antics, calling her "rude and self-indulgent" and suggesting that she was trading her "dignity for a paycheck." He then laid in to her with the "Lindsay Lohan wannabe" comment, before finding her guilty of being criminally annoying.
The charge could have landed her in the jail for the recommended 90 days just like LiLo, but unlike LiLo, the judge let Snooki slide with just 2 days community service and a $533 fine.
$533, that's it? That's her bar bill at Karma! Girl got off pretty easy!
When the judge was finished, Snooki addressed the court to apologize for her behavior and confessed that she was "very embarrassed" about what happened. Water under the bridge now, BB! But hopefully, you've learned something from this - you don't need to drink so much all the time! When Jersey Shore is over, then you might want to knock back a few bottles of Jack! What?! Then she can be on Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew! She wouldn't even have to change networks!
Read More: Celebrity gossip juicy celebrity rumors Hollywood gossip blog from Perez Hilton
Celebrity Juice, Not from Concentrate
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

An unusually impassioned Mayor Bloomberg said New York struck a blow for religious freedom Tuesday as officials cleared a path for a mosque to arise near Ground Zero.
"We would betray our values and play into our enemies' hands if we were to treat Muslims differently than anyone else," Bloomberg said on Governors Island, the Statue of Liberty behind him in the distance.
"There is no neighborhood in this city that is off-limits to God's love and mercy."
Almost immediately, angry opponents of the project vowed to sue the city.
Bloomberg spoke after the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted against protecting the 152-year-old building standing in the way of Park51, a planned community center and mosque two blocks from the World Trade Center site.

Many Christians are not aware of the fact that Jesus and Mary have got respect in Islamic School of thought and are honored by Muslims as part of their religious beliefs. Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They believe that God (Allah) sent many prophets to mankind and Jesus was one of them.
As the Muslim religion’s foundation is to believe in one God and not to associate anyone with God and His powers and attributes, Jesus was only a human being that was raised by God and will return him to this earth in this life. Jesus will then die as a regular human being.
Muslims believe that Bible was revealed on Prophet Jesus. However, with time, as that book was changed, God (Allah) revealed His last book, the Qur’an on the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad. Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years

A group of "9/11 leaders" is calling on for both critics and backers of the proposed Islamic community center and prayer room two blocks from Ground Zero to refrain from holding protests on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
In letters to both the project's backers and the organizer of a rally against it scheduled for Sept. 11, the groups called for any show of support or opposition planned for the anniversary of the attacks to be rescheduled. The coalition said its position did not necessarily imply support for the project.
"We stand together in expressing our opposition to staging a high profile, public protest rally specifically on September 11th, when so many families' and others' priorities will properly be focused on prayer, remembrance, and private reflection throughout the day and evening," the letter said. "To hold rallies on September 11 would be inappropriate and disrespectful to all of us who see 9/11 as a day outside of politics, when we all remain united in honoring the lives and the courage of our many friends and loved ones."
Among the signatories on the letters are groups representing Families of September 11, the mother of Flight 93 hero Mark Bingham, and the co-founders of the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance movement.
Opponents of the project are planning a rally on Sept. 11th, where "World leaders, prominent politicians and 911 family members will be speaking," according to a page pushing the event. Among the speakers, organizers say, are John Bolton and Andrew Breitbart. (Breitbart did not respond to a request for confirmation on his participation.)
The organizers of the protest ask participants not to bring "inflammatory" signs and saw they will start the event off with an interfaith prayer and the playing of "Taps" in honor of the victims of the terrorist attacks.
They write: "MARK YOUR CALENDARS. WE need to be at Ground Zero, September 11, 2010, now more than ever."
Backers of the project have not scheduled a competing rally for Sept. 11th.
A CBS News poll last month found that most Americans believe it is not appropriate to build the $100 million cultural center at the planned location, though a majority also said the developers have a right to build the center there.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Guess Whos Coming To Atlanta?!!!!

Lil Kim, blogger B. Scott, Christina Milan hit up Vita Nightclub and The Velvet Room this past weekend for Black Gay Pride Week in Atlanta. Earlier in the week, Kim went on a radio show and said that she would not be a part of the festivities this year because a booking agent conned promoters out of $15,000. However, they must have sorted everything out because she definitely showed up over the weekend. She also brought along her friends Christina Milian, Lil B, Dariel (Frankie and Neffe Show) & Kodak Boi
The cast of Fast & Furious 5, Ludacris, Tyrese and Vin Diesel, along with Kelly Rowland and Luda’s girl Euxodie were spotted at Mansion Elan last night in Atlanta for the LudaDay weekend festivities. Kelly Rowland is rocking a fresh new cut and Vin Diesel is still looking good!
Chris Brown also came through and performed an impromptu performance of “Dueces”. Other celebrity guests included the likes of Allen Iverson, Terrence J, Lance Gross, and more
Monday, August 30, 2010

Battle of The Phones
Which one is really the best? that is up to you the 3GM fans to decide. Three Girls and a Mic is sponsoring a battle of the phones contest. to enter;
- Create a video (min 3 minutes) of why your phone is the best.
- Email your video to
- Appropriate videos will be uploaded to the 3GM Facebook page
- Fans vote by liking your video (comments are good but only likes count as votes)
- The video with the most likes/votes wins!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Ohhhhh...So You Just Pornstar Shawty Huh?

What the? Montana Fishburne and Vivid Entertainment announced July 30 that the beautiful 19-year-old daughter of Emmy and Oscar-nominated, Tony-winning Laurence Fishburne would release a self-titled pornographic movie on August 18. In her press release, Montana Fishburne said: "I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape by Vivid. I'm hoping the same magic will work for me. I'm impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities and this seemed like a great way to get started on it."
In reality, Montana Fishburne was arrested in November 2009 on prostitution charges. According to court documents Montana accused of violating California penal code 647 (b), which is a prostitution charge! California prostitution law under Penal Code 647(b) PC prohibits engaging in the act of prostitution, and offering or agreeing to engage in a sexual act (otherwise known as “solicitation”)!
Miss Montana plead guilty to Trespassing and was ordered to do 104 hours towards the California beautification project, 15 days of community service, an AIDS test, STD education, and two years probation!
So this whole thing isn’t about Kim Kardashian or celebrity sex tapes, this is a young woman caught up with the wrong crowd, starving for some attention, and who’s life is spiraling out of control. When will her family intervene and save her???
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ok so we can't be the only ones who think this is gross, but apparently 72 YEAR-OLD Morgan Freeman is marrying HIS 27 YEAR-OLD GRANDDAUGHTER,E’Dena Hines!!!! She isn't his blood granddaughter but nevertheless, this is deeply disturbing. But the story gets worse, apparently the two began a romantic relationship when Hines was only 17 year-sold! Once Freeman's wife found out about their secret affair she filed for divorce, and now the Enquirer is claiming that once proceedings go through, he and Hines are set to wed. Now we know but the Enquirer isn't a reliable source but there has to be some truth in these allegations. But now Freeman's publicist, Dave Falkenstein with Sunshine Sachs, tells, "It's complete garbage. The allegations are 100% made up." We still think they have something going on, but we'll let you guys be the judge of that.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Unity Through Music!

When: July 31st, 2010!
Where:Kings Plow Arts Center
King Plow Events, One Stop Productions and Sol Fusion have formed an alliance in order to produce ONEMusicFest, an annual interactive outdoor live music experience. This event will attract thousands of people and expand throughout the 4 acres of King Plow Arts Center. ONE Musicfest will bring together Worldwide Superstars and Local Greats for ONE day.
*Complete with 12 hours of music featuring national and local artists, Live Art, over 10 DJ’s, 6 hours of open bar (VIP tickets), food, an Art Expo and festival style fun! Get your tickets ASAP!
Check it out for yourselves at:
See ya there Mikeys!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
8: The Mormon Proposition

In 2009, thousands of LGBT citizens are denied almost 200 civil rights their straight, married counterparts enjoy through civil marriage. As an organization worth hundreds of billions of dollars, the Mormon Church has been able to wage this war in secret. Not until the California Fair Political Practices Commission launched an investigation into the Mormon's involvement in Proposition 8, did the secrets of the Mormon effort become a matter of record. Through never-before seen documents, recordings & insider-interviews, 8: THE MORMON PROPOSITION, exposes the efforts of the Mormon Church and its members to halt nearly every piece of LGBT legislation on the desks of lawmakers from Hawaii to New York. This is a film 3GM encourages all of our Mikeys to see and who know there may be an 3GM episode in the works!!
On DVD: July 13!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Ocho Cinco Dismisses Black Girls From His Show

Cinco's new show The Ultimate Catch airs next March, of which he requested to have no black cast members. At first his cast consisted of 5black girls, 5 Spanish girls, 6 white girls, and a girl of Middle Eastern decent.
We have an EXCLUSIVE email that a former cast sent after being sent home early:
"I was recently selected as one of the final 85 for Chad’s (OchoCinco) dating reality show. Long story short, Chad has identity issues and primarily chose Latinas and white girls (mostly brunette’s). Many of the black girls were eliminated right off the back (including Rabbit from “Real Chance of Love”)<– might I add Cali made a cameo, as well. I managed to make “Top 30″ before getting eliminated.
The entire day was unorganized and Chad only wanted to do things his way; he wouldn’t listen to producers and all selections were made by him only. In the beginning, Chad walked the field and immediately began to dismiss girls.
He later called a group of ten girls (including myself) up to the front and told us to “Not worry. You’re not going anywhere.
Shortly after, he directed us to do a quick warm-up lap (at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA). This warm-up lap turned into chaos; lap after lap producers were unsure of what to do next, so they directed girls to keep running. Luckily, I stay with a personal trainer, so I ran a total of 6 laps before I stopped for water. Some girls began to hyperventilate, while others began to walk.
One by one, Chad starting pulling black girls aside and telling them “bye.” During my stop for a cup of water, Chad called me over along with a group of six girls – 5 black and 1 white. He then said “Umm…you guys are eliminated…yeah…eliminated. Except for you.” And guess who he pulled out the group? The white girl."
How do you feel about him wanting to only date women who are not the same race as him? Tune in this Sunday @ 3:30 for 3GM's "Race In America".
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Oh My! MTV Movie Awards

Sandra Bullock locked lips with Scarlett Johansson. We’ve seen this before from MTV with the kiss between Madonna, Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears but who would have thought they’d get Sandra Bullock to take part in these on stage shenanigans, And might we add that Sandra Bullock dress is so sexy, the open back is to die for.
Read more: Necole MTV Movie Awards: The “Sandra/Scarlett Kiss” and J. Lo Battles Tom Cruise
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Stunners
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Fabolous Sets The Record Straight On Kat Stacks, "Why Would I Send A Dude To Smack A Girl?"
New York rapper Fabolous has stepped forward to clear the air on his alleged recent involvement with groupie Kat Stacks being assaulted by his entourage.
"It's sad y'all believe anything y'all hear & see on the internet.. Especially from someone as credible as Kat Stacks *Smh*"
"Why would I SEND a DUDE to smack a GIRL?? But I know who sent someone to smack her... KARMA!! #RealSh*t." (Fabolous' Twitter)
On Friday (May 28), Stacks accused Fab of having his associates physically abuse her.
"yes its true @myfabolouslife sent people today to smack me up at the bar & they stole my phone & recorded it. i dare yall to blast it."
"got my a** wooped? it was 2 n*ggas yelling @myfabolouslife & @bowwow name ... im a female u got 2 n*ggas to hit me LOL lame." (Kat Stacks' Twitter)
Lakers have a long memory of Celtics

The Los Angeles Lakers’ title hopes had disappeared with one last embarrassing loss in the NBA Finals, leaving those on board the team’s bus to sit in stunned silence. As the bus started to leave the TD Banknorth Garden in Boston on that night two years ago, chaos quickly broke out around the Lakers. Boston Celtics fans had filled the streets to celebrate the franchise’s 17th championship, not far from a statue of longtime patriarch Red Auerbach smoking a victory cigar.
Kobe Bryant hasn’t forgotten the demoralizing NBA Finals loss to the Celtics two years ago in Boston.
With traffic snarled and no police escort to take them to their hotel, the Lakers could do nothing but sit and stew. Before long, someone recognized Phil Jackson sitting in the front seat, and then the rocks began to fly. Revelers pelted the bus and shook it, mocking the Lakers at their lowest moment.
This report is brought to you by Marc J. Spears. <3
Easy A Trailer
After a little white lie about losing her virginity gets out, a clean cut high school girl sees her life paralleling Hester Prynne's in "The Scarlet Letter," which she is currently studying in school - until she decides to use the rumor mill to advance her social and financial standing. Contains the talents of Emma Stone, Amanda Bynes, Cam Gigandet,Penn Badgley, Lisa Kudrow, and Alyson Michalka.
Whatcha Talkin about Wilus?

Sitcom actor and tabloid staple Gary Coleman, 42, died on Friday (May 28) at 12:05 p.m., after slipping into a critical condition on Thursday following an earlier fall in which he hit his head. He was admitted to the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo on Wednesday after hitting his head in an unexplained fall and had reportedly slipped into critical condition by the next day. On Friday, doctors announced that he was unconscious and on life support in a coma due to an intracranial hemorrhage, which results from a broken or ruptured blood vessel causes bleeding inside the skull.
“Family members and close friends were at his side when life support was terminated,” read a hospital statement according to a People magazine report on the actor, who had moved to Utah in 2005. “Family members express their appreciation and gratitude for the support and prayers that have been expressed for Gary and for them.”
This Report is brought to you by MTV and Necole Bitchie

Rapper turned actress E-V-E was spotted in ATL this past Thursday partying it up at Opera Nightclub. According to Freddy O, she is in Atlanta shooting a pilot for a show with Stacey Dash, Lauren London and LisaRaye titled “Single Ladies”. The Sex in the City influenced show is produced by Queen Latifah and will premiere on VH1 in the future.